Advent 2021 Events


Please note that masks are required for all indoor activities and events

Advent Events:

  • 21-lessonscarols_523Lessons & Carols November 28: 5pm in the Nave and live streamed on YouTube

  • quiet-day_349Quiet Day December 4: Church and labyrinth open for prayer 8am-5pm. Services at 9am, Noon, and 5pm


Prepare The Way Sunday!

December 19: Help prepare the church for Christmas, come sing carols, make crafts and play games on this festive day

Christmas Eve Services:

Wee Worship Christmas Pageant: Outside Courtyard at 11am and in the Nave at 4pm

Christmas Eve Nave Service: 6pm, 8pm & 10:30pm Service with Eucharist and Music

Christmas Eve Nave Online: Service Available on YouTube beginning at 9am

Christmas Services:

Christmas Day Service December 25 : 12pm Christmas Service, in the Nave and live streamed on YouTube

Holy Eucharist Service December 26 : 9am First Sunday of Christmas, in the Nave and live streamed on YouTube

Wee Worship December 26 : 9:15am Outdoor Courtyard First Sunday of Christmas Service

New Years Eve:


New Years Eve Concert Benefitting Housing Up: 6pm in the Nave and one YouTube.
Performed by Rosa Lamoreaux, Michael Bard, Grace McFarlane, Jon Nazdin, and Karl Robson.