Amy’s Next Adventure

From the Rector’s Desk
The Rev. Ledlie I. Laughlin
Rector, St. Columba’s Episcopal Church, Washington, DC
Dear Ones,
It is a joy to be back at St. Columba’s after my sabbatical. I look forward to learning of your lives these past few months and sharing stories of my own.
But I write today to share the news that the Reverend Amy Molina-Moore will be leaving us. Prior to my sabbatical, Amy had shared with me that she was feeling called to explore ministry beyond St. C’s. I am grateful that she has steered this great ship through the spring and summer, even as she considered her next steps.
Amy’s last Sunday at St. Columba’s will be September 25. Stay tuned for news of a festive send-off and let me know if you’d like to be part of the planning.
Within the first weeks of her arrival, Amy led a forum to introduce herself. To the delight of all, she presented it as a game show. Said she, “I choose joy. Joy is not a given. I choose daily to live with joy.” Amy has been with us in all her glory and joy. We have all received her extraordinary gifts – her integrity, prayer, wisdom, love, creativity, vivaciousness, courage, priestly presence, and joy. I am sad she is leaving. And I am very glad she is choosing a new, as yet unknown, path to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and live with joy. She will leave with my abiding honor, gratitude, respect, and love.
The Rev. Ledlie I. Laughlin
Amy writes…
It has been more than five and a half years since I arrived at St. Columba’s and in that time I have learned and experienced more than I could have known or imagined. You have journeyed with me as I became a mom, (twice in two years!) You have been the congregation where I learned what it meant to be a priest not in theory, but in practice. You have taught me what it means not just to serve a people, but to love them… for these things and more, I will be forever grateful for our time together. But now the winds are changing.
Like many, the pandemic and racial reckoning of the past two years have had a profound impact on me. The world I knew is changed, and now I must change with it. I plan to take a few months off to learn and listen to the Holy Spirit and then follow her leadings to my next call. It’s an exciting time; much is to be discovered for us all. Please keep me in your prayers, as I will certainly keep you in mine.
With so much love,