New Class from Stirring the Waters
This class series, Sacred Ground, supports the church’s commitment to racial healing and justice in our personal lives, parish and society. The 10 meetings will use materials from Sacred Ground, …
Why Give? God asks us to share our time, talent and treasure. A life of generosity is at the root of Christianity. The Bible encourages the tithe – or 10% of your annual income – and we encourage you to think about what a meaningful gift would be for you.
When you give to St. Columba’s you help fund our ministry in the community, our worship, and the staff that supports our community as we strive to Live God’s Love.
Our mission is funded by you – St. Columbans and other supporters.
St. Columba’s is grateful for your generosity. We accepts gifts in the form of cash, checks, appreciated stocks, Charitable IRA Rollovers, Donor Advised Gifts, and matching gifts. If you would like to include us in your end-of-life charitable gift plans, we accept bequests, life income gifts, and gifts of special assets (real estate, closely held stock, life insurance).
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