Pathways for Faith
Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 6:45 PM
This course is about faith. The many places it begins, the many places it stalls; where it remains hidden, where it flourishes, where it bubbles up. There’s no required reading in this course.
Each week we’ll consider an aspect of it (pieces of the puzzle from art, science, scripture, dumb luck, ancient wisdom) and use that piece to draw us further into mutual conversation.
Feel free to come and go as your schedule allows. In this course we will not only talk about faith, we’ll share it. Share in it not only in mutual support but also in different exercises of prayer which will start each meeting. A training ground of sorts.
The goal of this course is faith itself. What would it feel like to share in it -- to share in the deep, abiding love and wisdom of God?
No prior experience required.
Pathways for Faith: Part One
When: Wednesdays September 20th - November 1st @ 6:45pm - 8pm
Where: Room 212 and on Zoom
This class will also work for those interested in confirmation with Bishop Gene Robinson on All Saints (11/5).
Basic hopes of the class:
- After years of teaching in university and college and parish settings, I’ve developed this class with the intention of moving someone from feeling a low confidence about what the claims of faith are to a moderate/high level of confidence.
- This will require not outside work or reading; but a willingness to join group discussion and prayer over a period of time.
- The topics of this class are wide ranging (from theology to art; from philosophy to science; from interfaith connections to a standard account of what the Episcopal Church is) but will primarily revolve around the Gospel of Mark -- which I have spent the last two years intensely studying.
- Of special interest will be Jesus’ account of a faith that is primarily oriented toward the marginalized and socially outcast. Thus this class will often touch on social justice issues, especially in regard to St. Columba’s commitment to dismantling racism.
This is a hybrid class, when you can come in person, great (consider joining us for our weekly Wednesday Night Supper!); also I expect for some of you it’ll be easier to join by Zoom. If you think this class might be interesting for someone outside the StCs community, please invite them!
Tags: Parish Events