Announcing Members of our Anti-Racism Task Force

Dear Ones,

On behalf of the vestry, I am glad to announce the formation of St. Columba’s Antiracism Task Force.

The Task Force will not be doing the work alone; they will need the help of the parish, and there will be ample ways for all to be involved.

Thank you to one and all for your commitment to this effort.

 Kesha Evans, co-chair
 Lane Heard, co-chair
 Laura Akowuah
 Lauren Counts
 Katharine Huffman
 Bill Jensen
 Patty Jensen
 Peter Lynch
 Brian Matthews
 Judy Morrison
 Jeremiah Williams
 Cami Caudill, Missioner for Community Engagement
 Abigail Gorman, Senior Warden, ex officio
 Ledlie Laughlin, Rector, ex officio
 Mark Ewert, consultant
 Lorraine Gordon, consultant