New Here?
It is my great joy to welcome you! Your presence here is a gift.
St. Columba’s is a lively community of faith engaged in many ministries. If you are seeking …
- comfort and care in a time of personal crisis or need,
- a way to support and partner with neighbors in need, to strive for justice and peace, or care for creation,
- a Christian community that embraces and nurtures your child in all her or his liveliness,
- to deepen your practice of prayer and follow the path of Christian discipleship,
- glorious worship and music-making in a lively, welcoming, inclusive community,
… we are here for you! As the Spirit moves you, I invite you to join us this season and in all the seasons of your life. Participate with us and share the story of God’s love.
May the peace of Christ be with you,
The Rev. Ledlie Laughlin