
Give once or monthly to St. Columba’s

Click here to make a donation to St. Columba’s.

  • Select “Give Multiple Times” to set up recurring giving, making giving even easier.
  • These payments can go towards your annual pledge, to a specific fundraiser, or as an offering

Why Give?
God asks us to share our time, talent and treasure. A life of generosity is at the root of Christianity. The Bible encourages the tithe – or 10% of your annual income – and we encourage you to think about what a meaningful gift would be for you.

When you give to St. Columba’s you help fund our ministry in the community, our worship, and the staff that supports our community as we strive to Live God’s Love.

Our mission is funded by you – St. Columbans and other supporters.

Why Pledge?
A pledge is a promise – a promise to give a certain amount over the course of the following year. Pledging before the start of each calendar year is critical for vestry and staff to develop an annual budget and plan to serve you and our wider community.

We don’t expect you to fulfill your pledge in one lump gift. Many find they can give more when pledging and then giving incrementally over the course of the year. See the section below on recurring gifts for more details.

Giving vs. Pledging
A pledge to St. Columba’s is your stated intention to fulfill a defined, annual monetary gift that supports the operational budget of the Church. Filling out the pledge form, whether in paper or electronically, is not actually a gift. Rather, the pledge is simply a statement of what you plan to give.

Gifts can be given at any time, in any amount. One does not have to have a pledge in order to give a gift, but understanding your intentions to give in advance is critical as the vestry sets the budget for the following year.

Recurring Gifts
Many participate in the practice of offering their donation, or “offering”, each week during the Sunday worship service. For others, this is not a practical practice and they prefer to set up a recurring gift through their bank account, created online through our secure giving portal.

Pledge Online

Ready to make a pledge payment? You can make a pledge payment at any time and in any amount, and you can pay two different ways, via check and online. …

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