Stephen Ministry

Parishioners and others in the community (called care receivers) who are going through a difficult time can receive one-to-one, high quality care from a trained lay caregiver, a Stephen Minister. Grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, caregiver burnout, infertility, birth of a special needs child, miscarriage, parenting struggles, hospitalization, spiritual crisis, depression or empty nest are just some of the issues our trained ministers might help with.
“No one should have to suffer alone …”
This is the premise of Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers listen to, support, encourage and pray with and for their care receiver. A Stephen Minister and care receiver typically meet once a week for about an hour, and the conversation between them is confidential. A referral may be made to an appropriate health professional if the needs of the care receiver are greater than what a Stephen Minister is qualified to provide.
Learn, Grow and Serve: Become a Stephen Minister
Listening, Comforting, Caring: It’s What We Do
Do you have gifts for caring, encouragement, and listening? If so, consider becoming a Stephen Minister. St. Columba’s holds training classes annually. To find out more, contact the Stephen Ministry leader.
Stephen Ministers
CARE The Stephen Ministry offers one-to-one, high quality care from a trained lay caregiver in a wide range of life’s more difficult situations including grief, divorce, job loss, illness, parenting …