St. Columba’s Antiracism Task Force
In early 2021, the St. Columba’s Anti-Racism Task Force was convened by the Vestry and rector of St. Columba’s as an expression of the church’s belief that becoming anti-racist as individuals and as a church is integral to Jesus’ summary of the greatest commandment, our own baptismal covenant, and St. Columba’s vision to Live God’s Love. This group of volunteer parishioners was charged with guiding the rector and Vestry in their commitment to integrating this intention of becoming anti-racist into every facet of our congregational life.
What has the Antiracism Task Force been doing?
Since then, the Task Force has been on a journey of faith, learning, and discernment. We have sought the input of the entire parish through listening sessions, a parish-wide survey, Sunday forum events, and individual conversations. We have engaged with the diocese on diocese-wide and church-wide justice and equity issues. And we have engaged with the church and church leaders to begin a journey of repentance and repair for St. Columba’s history with respect to race.
Through all of this, we have worked to live up to the charge given to us: to provide leadership and guidance as St. Columba’s begins to honor our commitment to antiracism.
How will St. Columba’s live out our commitment to antiracism?
The St. Columba’s Anti-Racism Task Force has developed a Strategy for Anti-Racism that provides guidance and structure for our work together. Endorsed by the Vestry and clergy of St. Columba’s, this plan lays the groundwork for all of us – as individuals, as parishioners, and as members of the community – to participate in this work.
We believe that we are called to renounce and resist racism in all aspects of our life and to actively work toward the Beloved Community. We commit ourselves to anti-racism as individuals, as a church, and as members of our community. Through this work, we will:
- Integrate antiracism into faith development for all ages and into St. Columba’s programs and ministries;
- Deeply commit and engage across the entire parish in dismantling racism in our community, in our homes, and in our church;
- Be better equipped to identify and have conversations about issues of racism;
- Welcome and embrace all people and build longer-term partnerships in the broader community;
- Make a difference in the lives of others, and
- Continually invite one another into this work and commit to hold ourselves accountable to live our values and reflect the Beloved Community.
We invite you to join in this journey with the Task Force and the church’s other ministries related to this critical work.
Have more questions and ideas?
We want to hear from you! Please email us at [email protected] to share your thoughts.
Antiracism Task Force
Kesha Evans, co-chair
Lane Heard, co-chair
Ledlie Laughlin, Rector, ex officio
For more information about our work and how this work began, please take a look at ourcharter in which Ledlie and the Vestry defined our mission. We also encourage you to read or watch Ledlie’s original sermon regarding his vision for St. Columba’s as a church that lives God’s love by being antiracist.