Rector’s Message: Leap of Faith

Dear Ones,
Some years ago a wise priest was seeking to discern next steps for the church he was serving. He took time away and went to Calcutta to work with Mother Teresa at “the house of the dying.” When he met Mother Teresa, he asked her to pray for him. “What do you want me to pray for?” she asked. “Clarity. Pray that I have clarity.” “No,” Mother Teresa answered, “I will not do that. Clarity is the last thing you are clinging to and must let go of.” “But,” said he, “you always seem to have clarity.” Mother Teresa laughed and said, “I have never had clarity; I have had trust. I will pray that you trust God.”
When I heard this story in a sermon this summer, I could literally feel my prayer and attention shifting; something opened up inside of me. Especially during these past few years of disruption and change, I have longed for a little clarity when taking our next steps. With deeper trust in God, my heart can be at peace, even without the clarity I might desire.
This brochure is designed to offer some clarity: about St. Columba’s vision and mission for the coming year; our priorities and ministries. Please take a look. You may have some clarity too: about the place of St. Columba’s in your life, your intentions to be generous, and about your own budget and financial capacity. When I make a gift, I’ve found that clarity goes only so far. Each year I seek to stretch in giving – not because I have greater clarity, but because I seek greater trust in God. Giving generously, lavishly is an act of trust; it is a spiritual practice and it’s good for our souls. I pray that you trust God. Join me: take a leap of faith! Make a wildly generous pledge born of your desire for trust. You’ll be glad you did.

The Rev. Ledlie Laughlin