Great News: An Afghan Family to Sponsor

Great news–we’ve been matched with an Afghan refugee family. Our sponsorship will begin later this month. Additional details will be shared shortly. As we wait, we PREPARE! Preparations underway include:

  • Filling two storage units with donated furniture.
  • Researching Afghan cuisine and local Halal markets.
  • Brainstorming ways for the congregation to welcome the newcomers and follow their journey!
  • Fundraising to support our sponsorship work. Thank You for making a donation to the 2022 Annual Outreach Appeal. We now have the funds to sponsor a family.

Here are ways you can be involved TODAY:

  • Sign Up to provide home furnishings via this link
  • Join one–or more–of our committees listed below by responding to this email or reaching out to the committee chair. The chair(s) will contact you when there are specific tasks. We definitely need volunteers for the Welcome & Engagement Committee and drivers for the Transportation Committee. This can be an occasional (even one time) commitment or more. Any time you have to offer will be appreciated.

And, during this season of Lent, pray with us for refugees everywhere. We witness daily the horrible atrocities of war in Ukraine and the growing refugee crisis with nearly 3 million Ukrainian refugees in neighboring countries. Please read Ledlie’s most recent letter to the congregation for how you can respond. Locally, we’re reaching out to Father Steliac at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Silver Spring to offer our support.

Let’s keep in mind that even a small act of kindness to welcome newcomers matters.


Keri Piester (Chair, RRM)

RRM Committees for Sponsoring a Refugee Family, Chair(s) & Key Tasks:

Welcome & Community Engagement – Chair Catherine Sheehan Bruno ([email protected])

  • Organize a welcome meal
  • Brainstorm activities to connect family & parish
  • Coordinate with St. C’s staff to communicate opportunities to connect with parish
  • Help maintain Google Calendar for activities & events

Housing & Furnishings – Chair Emma Hersh ([email protected])

  • Locate apartment and sign lease
  • Collect and store furniture & new home furnishings
  • Organize Move-In Day and Home Set-Up
  • Assist family with safety (emergency kit) & maintenance (tool kit/cleaning supplies)

Clothing & Food Support – Chairs Judy and Jim Klein ([email protected]& [email protected])

  • Stock the family’s pantry upon their arrival
  • Provide list of local grocery stores, including Halaal market, & assist w/ shopping first month, including use of Food Stamp card
  • Assess clothing needs & provide assistance obtaining clothing needs (identify low cost stores, obtain specific clothing donations, and/or provide gift cards for clothing)

Finance – Chair Gardell Gefke ([email protected])

  • Manage RRM budget
  • Share budget with refugee family and explain their financial responsibilities
  • Provide any needed financial assistance (opening a bank account, creating a budget, preparing taxes, etc.)

Health, Dental & Public Assistance – Chairs Shelly Gehshan ([email protected]) & Margie Trinity ([email protected])

  • Enroll family for public benefits (SNAP Food Stamps, Medicaid, etc.) & educate family about these programs
  • Identify a medical provider for adults & kids as well as dental clinic
  • Assess if there are any immediate medical &/or dental needs
  • Assist with scheduling any needed care

Employment – Chair Alice Goodman ([email protected])

  • Assess job experience & skills of adult family members
  • Prepare a resume, if needed
  • Help identify available jobs and assist with job applications
  • Identify any job training opportunities
  • Provide interview prep and follow-up

Communication – Chair Ann Romig ([email protected])

  • Prepare monthly brief update on family in a story-telling format for RRM Ministry Group
  • Work with St. C’s Communication Team to share updates via website & newsletter
  • Take photos at events and activities
  • Keep archive/record file of updates and photos

Education – Chair TBD, Carolyn Starek, Educational Advisor ([email protected])

  • Enroll children in public school system
  • Identify adult ESL classes for parents
  • Support parents communication with school via email & parent-teacher conferences
  • Provide tutoring/homework help for children, as needed
  • Organize conversation opportunities with parishioners to improve English acquisition
  • Ensure children have school supplies and technology
  • Enroll in summer camp, if interested

Transportation – Chair TBD

  • Provide drivers for family to appointments as needed
  • Keep volunteers informed of driving needs via Google calendar & email
  • Educate the family about public transportation – bus & metro
  • Help the family obtain a metro/bus fare card