SUPER Sundae Sunday!
In a typical year, our programs for adult and child formation would begin just after Labor Day, under the celebratory title “Sundae Sunday”. This year, because we are beginning our program year on October 3rd, AND we’re reopening the Nave after its refurbishment, AND we’re hosting the “Together in Hope Ministry Fair”, AND we’ll have ice cream, we are calling October 3rd “Super Sundae Sunday”! See details below:
You had me at ice cream.
- Join us for one of our services, online or in-person, and then join us for an IN-PERSON celebration at the grounds of St. Columba’s at 10am. We’ll have ice cream treats for all!
Tour the refurbished Nave.
- Take a tour of the Nave, with our new flooring, paint, spruced-up stained glass, and more.
Learn about the work of St. Columba’s and how to get involved.
- Take a tour of our diverse array of ministries at the “Together in Hope Ministry Fair”, showcasing the ministries of St. Columba’s and ways to get involved. Curious about how to sign up for Bible study, book groups, engagement opportunities for all ages, Sunday formation for children and adults, choir and handbells, or ways to participate in our Ending Family Homelessness Ministry? Join us at 10 am on October 3rd (ice cream in hand) on the sidewalks of Albemarle and 42nd!
Fun for the whole family (including the four-legged members!)
- St. Columba annually commemorates St. Francis of Assisi, by blessing the animals on the Sunday closest to the 13th century saint’s feast day. So gather up your pets or photos of pets and join us for a blessing at 5pm in our Courtyard!