​Worship for Sunday, January 23

Worship for Sunday, January 23

Wee Worship will be at 9:15am on Zoom.
Our nave worship, without Eucharist, will continue to be live-streamed at 10am on Youtube through January 30th. If you’d like to worship with us in person during this time, we are opening the church for this service. Stay tuned for service adjustments for February. For more information, email Joshua Daniel.
Sunday Bible Study with David Griswold is at 9:00am this week. Contact the session leader for more information. The forum for this Sunday will be livestreamed via Zoom.

This weeks forum:

Responding to the Refugee Crisis
When and Where: Sunday, January 23 from 11am-12pm on Zoom
Join Keri Piester, chair of the Refugee Response Ministry, and others on January 23, during the forum hour in the Nave to discuss the current Afghan refugee crisis, and how St. Columba’s will serve as a sponsor and companion for a family in this crisis. Come hear about how you can join us!
  • Hurunnessa Fariad, All Dulles Area Muslim Center
  • Joanne Lin, National Director, Advocacy & Government Relations at Amnesty Internationa