Lenten Book Groups

In this coming season of Lent, St. Columba’s will be considering and addressing our collective call for repentance and repair. We invite you to join a small book group to read and discuss “Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance and Repair.” While the topic of reparations can evoke strong opinions, we chose this book because it 1) begins and is grounded in Scripture, 2) examines theological and moral teachings from Augustine and Aquinas up to the present day, and 3) explains the church’s role through the years – often complicit in perpetuating racism, sometimes standing up and against racism. We see the book as the starting point, a springboard for us to do some deeper reflecting, and to have some honest conversations about what we really feel or believe. These small groups are an opportunity for us to move from our heads to our hearts and bodies, from our intellect to our lived experience.

Below are ongoing Book Groups who are also exploring the book, Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance and Repair” by Duke Kwon and Gregory Thompson.

Ongoing Book Groups, open to all

Lenten Book Study with David Griswold
Tuesdays, February 28, 2023, 6:50 PM
This group meets on Zoom

Join David Griswold and a group of parishioners on Tuesday evenings in Lent on Zoom to explore the book “Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance and Repair” by Duke Kwon and Gregory Thompson.

Contact David Griswold for info: [email protected]

Creating Community within Creation (CCWC) book group
Fridays, February 24 through March 31
This group meets on Zoom
Anyone interested in participating with CCCWC should contact Andrew Trotter to receive the Zoom link: Andrew Trotter [email protected]