Ideas for Family Discussions about Stewardship
Questions you might raise with your family
- What are some things you value about St. C’s, for example things that bring you joy?
- How has St. C’s helped you and our family?
- How does St. C’s pay for all of the services, Sunday School, ministries, staff and programs?
- Churches need money in order to run. What things does St. C’s do that cost money?
- How has our family been part of St. C’s even when we are away from church (e.g. during social distancing)?
- When we talk about One Body at St. C’s, what does it mean to us?
- How should our family figure out how much we should pledge to St. Columba’s, i.e. promise to give for the next calendar year?
- What are some of the ways (including non monetary examples) our family can give to St. Columba’s?
- What are the reasons for giving to others? How does giving make us feel?
- Can you name some of the people who benefit from the gifts we and others give to St. C’s?
- Your mom/ dad and I support St. C’s, and here’s why.
Discussion ideas
- Research the meanings of tithe, stewardship, pledging
- Read and discuss some Bible passages about stewardship
- Talk about and/or research people you know who give or who are famous for their giving
- Discuss the idea of One Body. See: Romans 12: 4-8
- Make a smart saver bank with separate sections for saving, spending, and giving. Discuss the different ways each family member could contribute to each. Decide on some family principles about how you allocate money across the three areas. Discuss what ideas this project gave you.
- Complete your family’s personal history with St. C’s. Interview each other or fill it out with words and/or pictures individually or collectively and discuss.
- Do a stewardship project as a family. Use these ideas, or come up with your own.
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