Lent Events


As we enter the Lenten season, St. Columba’s invites you to join us as we mark this time of introspection and preparation.

Ash Wednesday

8am-9am, 1pm-2pm, and 5pm-6pm: Self-Imposition of Ashes. Come to St. Columba’s and mark yourself with ashes during this socially distanced Ash Wednesday. There will be a station in front of the church from 8am-9am, 1pm-was 2pm, and 5pm-6pm.

12pm: Ash Wednesday Service. A Live Stream Service with the Rev. Susan Flanders and Soloist David Timpane.

Looking for an at-home option? Household members draw or write their confessions or things that hurt or keep them from God on a piece of paper. As they throw those confessions in the fire each person recites Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”

For more ideas on observing Lent for families, including age-appropriate discussion questions reflecting on the season, please visit this page.

Lent Classes, Forums and Groups

Starting February 16th and 17th: Lenten Book Study Martin Smith’s classic reflections allow Lent to be a time of discovery in which we find that Christ, through the Spirit, embraces every aspect of our humanity. Smith writes “The work of creating a community of love where there is room for everybody must be rooted in the exploration of our own inner fragmentation and diversity.” The group, led by Deacon David Griswold, will meet weekly for prayer, Bible reflection and discussion of Smith’s vision for deepening our relationship to God. Two sessions will be held concurrently, each recurring weekly: Tuesdays from 7pm-8pm and Wednesdays from 10am-11am. To join or for more information, please contact The Rev. David Griswold.

Starts 2/21: Legos for Lent Calling kids of all ages – do you like to build with Legos? Join Katie McGervey for Legos for Lent on Sunday mornings at 10:15am. Each week, we’ll read and wonder about a Bible story and respond to it by building with Legos. No need to register, just join us on Zoom. Meets February 21, 28, March 7, 14, 21, 28 and April 11 (no meeting on Easter). Don’t have any legos? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Email Katie to arrange to borrow some of ours!

Begins 2/21: Journal Writing Group Join others online Sundays at 5:00 during Lent for an hour of shared journal writing experience. This gathering will provide inspiration and offer prompts for writing. Come if you have never kept a journal or have always kept a journal. Come alone or connect with a friend/family member from nearby or far away. Open to all adults and teens. Set aside time during Lent to dream, wonder, remember, and write! Email Diane Heath, facilitator with questions or to obtain the Zoom ID.

Sunday, 2/21 Forum Internationally recognized scholar and priest, Kathy Grieb takes a deep dive into the Gospel of Mark. A gospel radically intent on challenging forces of religious and social oppression. What might this gospel have to say to us as we struggle through the dual pandemics of racism and COVID? The Rev. Dr. Katherine Grieb is the long time Meade Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Virginia Theological Seminary.Register here.

Tuesdays starting 2/23: Gospel of Mark: A Text for Radical Discipleship The Gospel of Mark is a radical text that shows Jesus’ commitment to confront the spiritual, political, and social powers of oppression. This class will offer a four week discussion on the implications of this ancient, holy text. Register here.

Sunday, 2/28: Rectors Forum Register here.

Begins 3/3: Inquirers Class This three-session class, led by Ledlie Laughlin, is designed for newcomers and anyone interested in learning more about what distinguishes the Episcopal Church from other Christian traditions, St. Columba’s mission to Live God’s Love, and our commitment to support you in taking your next steps in faith. Register here.

Sunday, 3/7: Forum Register here.

Sunday, 3/14: Forum: The 2020 Presidential Election and the Future of American Politics Register here.

March 19-20: Online Lenten Retreat Hosted by the Rev. Martin Smith at Holy Cross Monastery
Lent is ‘com-passiontide’: we experience both God’s probing of our harshness and withholding, and the gentle pressure of God’s grace, drawing us to embrace the gift of divine compassion for ourselves and all others. As we approach once again the Passiontide that celebrates God’s ultimate revelation of love in Jesus’ self offering on the Cross, we enter this retreat time of reflection and prayer so we can ‘catch the tide’ of God’s flowing tenderness and let it carry us further out than we have been before in living the compassionate life. Register Here: https://holycrossmonastery.com/events/compassiontide/