Care Ministries
Flower Delivery
CARE The Flower Delivery Ministry delivers small baskets of altar flowers to parishioners to mark the joy of a happy event, such as a birth or baptism, to give thanks …
Good Shepherds
CARE The Good Shepherds ministry offers home-cooked meals to parishioners who have experienced illness or are in a time of transition. They serve as cooks, drivers or coordinators, and their …
Healing Prayer Ministry
Peace, peace, to the far and the near, says the Lord; and I will heal them (Isaiah 57.19) -The Healing Rite: Prayers for Healing Where can I come for Prayers …
Prayer Chain
CARE The Prayer Chain fulfills all prayer requests, offering individual prayers for those in need. CONTACT: MICHELE PRINCE | E-MAIL
Stephen Ministers
CARE The Stephen Ministry offers one-to-one, high quality care from a trained lay caregiver in a wide range of life’s more difficult situations including grief, divorce, job loss, illness, parenting …