Fellowship Ministries
42nd Street Fellowship
CONNECT The 42nd Street Fellowship was founded more than 20 years ago as an affinity group for older singles, whether divorced, widowed, or never married. Most members today are retired. …
Coffee Hour Helpers
CONNECT A ministry focusing on hospitality and welcoming, the Coffee Hour Helpers make and serve refreshments on Sunday mornings. CONTACT: NANCY TWIST | E-MAIL
Fathers’ Group
St. Columba’s Fathers’ Group offers men with children at home and recent empty-nesters a community where we learn how to use God’s tools to build and develop our lives as …
Mothers’ Group
The Mothers’ Group seeks to strengthen our faith by sharing our experiences as mothers, and meets in fellowship to discuss the realities of motherhood – both the challenges and the …
CONNECT Sticks-in-Stitches gathers monthly to knit, crotchet or do other needlework projects, working individually but often as a group on projects for the Water Ministry, pastoral care and other church …
Welcome Ministry
CONNECT All parishioners play an important role in making St. Columba’s a friendly, welcoming and Spirit-filled place for visitors and regular worshippers alike, and the Welcome Ministry leads that effort …