Worship Ministries
WORSHIP A worship ministry for older youth who serve at Sunday services, contributing to the parish in a meaningful way, learning about the care we bring to the worship of …
Altar Guild
WORSHIP The Altar Guild supports the celebration of the Liturgy, setting out the vessels for the Eucharist before services, cleansing and putting them away afterwards. We work in teams to …
Flower Guild
WORSHIP Every Sunday (except during Lent and Advent), the flowers that decorate our church are crafted by the Flower Guild, a faithful group of parishioners who bring the beauty of …
Lay Eucharistic Ministry
WORSHIP As we gather for worship, the Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist the clergy as we ‘feed’ large numbers of people each Sunday, working in teams to administer the chalice of …
Lay Readers
WORSHIP Lay Readers are responsible for reading scripture and leading the Prayers of the People. After an initial training session, readers are assigned to one of four teams that serve …
Morning Prayer
WORSHIP Join the Morning Prayer ministry and start your weekday with prayer led by a lay leader with appointed lectionary readings, beautiful canticles and collects from the Book of Common …