Striving to be an antiracist church invites self-reflection, individually and collectively. In Quaker practice, Friends employ queries to engage in self-examination and remind themselves of the ideals they seek to attain. In the words of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, queries serve “as a framework within which we assess our convictions and examine, clarify, and consider prayerfully the direction of our lives and the life of the community.”
An example of a query from the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting concerning equality asks, “What steps are we taking as a Meeting to assure that our Meeting and the committees and institutions under our care reflect our respect for all and are free from practices rooted in prejudice?”
In our quest to become an antiracist church, we will be using queries during the 2022-2023 church year in our own way, posing a new query each month and offering several ways adults, youth and children can engage with it during the month (including silent reflection during worship and opportunities for discussion).
This week’s query: How does it affect my understanding of, and trust in, God to conceive of and pray to God as “she”?