Adult Choir & Handbells

St. Columba’s is a warm, welcoming place where music is an integral part of both worship and community life. The church’s long tradition of musical excellence is continued in our four singing choirs, handbell ensembles for youth and adults, and chamber orchestra. In addition, concerts offering a variety of organ, choral, and instrumental programs are offered throughout the year. We encourage each of you to engage with us in our community of music makers by singing or ringing with one of our choirs, or attending a concert in our worship space. All are welcome.

Summer Singers is a pick-up choir that forms each Sunday during the summer to learn and sing special music for that morning’s worship. The group gathers in the music room at 9:45 am for a quick warm-up, and then prepares an offertory anthem to share at the 10:30 am nave service. Singers of all ages and skill levels are welcome to join the Summer Singers each Sunday, beginning in June and continuing through the first week in September, or on any Sunday you are available!

St. Columba Singers is composed of a group of dedicated men and women who enjoy singing and worshiping together. The group sings music from a variety of sacred styles, and welcomes singers of all levels from the parish and community. The choir sings each Sunday at the 11:15 am service and rehearses in person or on Zoom Thursday evenings, 7:30-9 pm.

Celtic Choir is our group of adult singers who help support the choirs and congregation at the 9 am service. They rehearse in the Music Room on Sundays from 10:10-10:30 am.

St. Columba Ringers, our handbell group for intermediate and advanced ringers, adds its unique musical and liturgical contribution to our worship services throughout the year. Rehearsals are on Monday evenings 7-8 pm.

For more information on any of these groups, contact Anne Timpane, director of music ministries.