Healing Prayer Ministry

Peace, peace, to the far and the near, says the Lord; and I will heal them (Isaiah 57.19)

-The Healing Rite: Prayers for Healing

Where can I come for Prayers for Healing?
St Columba’s Healing Rite (Laying on of Hands and Prayers for Healing) is offered the second Sunday of each Month at the 9:00 and 11:15 AM Sunday services during Communion, in St. Aidan’s Chapel or at the Crucifix near the 42nd Street entrance. You are welcome to come after you have received communion; or if you are not receiving communion. All prayers and/or communications with Healing Rite Ministers always remain confidential.

Why is this practice offered?

  • Praying for healing has been part of the Christian community from its earliest days
  • Brings to life an important ministry of Jesus.
  • Witnesses to our belief that God offers healing, wholeness and reconciliation for all of us.

What can I expect?
When you come, the healing minister will greet you and ask you what you wish to pray for. In St. Aidan’s Chapel, you may kneel or stand as you wish. If you are in the back of the nave by the crucifix, you will be standing.

The minister may ask if they can put their hands on your shoulders or head. If you do not wish them to – just let them know. No big deal. The practice of laying hands on another in prayer is part of our Christian tradition, but not essential for us to experience the healing love of God.

Each minister has their own style, but all try to mirror your words as they pray with you for what you have asked.

What can I ask about?
Anything that is on your heart – for yourself or for others. Nothing is too small or ordinary.

Will I feel differently or experience something special? What if I don’t feel anything or feel different?
No worries. There is no norm for how you should feel or be. You can be assured though that the healing minister who is praying…

  • Believes in the power of God to heal
  • Believes that God is hearing your prayer.
  • Prays in confidence and thanksgiving that the healing you ask for will unfold in your life

The healing minister will keep what you have shared in confidence and will never approach you to bring up your prayer if you happen to meet in another setting – even if you know one another. However, you can bring up your prayer to the person if you wish.

If you have questions or desire more information:
Contact [email protected]