Juneteenth with Stirring the Waters

Stirring the Waters would like to suggest some wonderful opportunities to celebrate Juneteenth on Saturday, June 17th. Here are a few local events:

  • Support the Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition (BACC) and attend a Service of Interfaith Healing and Reconciliation at the Macedonia Baptist Church at 2PM at 5119 River Road in Bethesda.
  • Hear Reverb sing “Black history in harmony” once again at the Second Annual Juneteenth Celebration in Kensington, MD. The Celebration is from 12-4PM at St. Paul Park, 10564 St. Paul Street.
  • Free tickets for the Concert for the Human Family (CFHF) of the US Episcopal Church on the Faith In Peace” Concert on 7:30-10pm Saturday, June 17, 2023 in the spectacular Sixth & I Synagogue in Washington, DC. The “Shared Values” theme of the concert will have a strong emphasis on Juneteenth and Pride Month. Tickets: www.light4america.org. Coupon Code for Free Tickets: belovedcommunity
STW is organizing carpools so please email your interest in a ride or serving as a driver to [email protected].