Holy Week
Things to know
Holy Week at St. Columba’s
We love visitors! And we know some of our regular congregants may not have experienced Holy Week services. We are glad you’ll be joining us.
For all services, please come as you are. People will be wearing everything from jeans to dresses and suits. Wear what feels most comfortable to you. Services are about an hour unless otherwise indicated.
Maundy Thursday, 4pm Family Service
This service will be informal and accessible to children. Families will participate in ceremonial footwashing and in Communion. Our Wee Worship musician, Sara Curtain will engage families in song.
Maundy Thursday, 7pm
On Maundy Thursday we remember Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples. The service begins with readings from scripture and a sermon. As Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, the service includes an opportunity for ceremonial footwashing. There is no obligation to have your feet washed or to wash feet, but many find the footwashing a moving experience. The service continues with Communion or the Lord’s Supper and concludes with the stripping of the altar.
Good Friday, 4pm Family Service
The Good Friday family service will follow the Stations of the Cross. The Stations move congregants through Jesus’ trial and crucifixion. Each station includes a piece of scripture and a prayer. The service allows for movement and an immersive experience of the story.
Good Friday, 7pm
On Good Friday we remember Jesus’ death on the cross. This solemn service will feature a reading of the Passion narrative with musical interludes, a sermon, and prayers for the world. There is opportunity for quiet prayer and veneration of the cross. Good Friday can be a particularly helpful place to open ourselves to our grief.
Easter Vigil, 7pm
The Easter Vigil is an ancient service that takes us from the solemnity of Jesus’ death to the joy of his resurrection. The service begins by lighting the new fire. The first half of the service is by candle light and traces through Biblical history. The Vigil includes Baptism which marks initiation into the Christian community. We transition into Easter celebration with readings of the resurrection and a sermon. The service concludes with Communion or the Lord’s Supper.
Expect the service to last about 2 hours. A reception will follow.
Easter Day, 8am, 9:30am, 11:15am
There are three Easter Day services in the nave. We celebrate that the Lord is Risen indeed! Alleluia! The service includes readings from scripture, a sermon, prayer, and sharing of Communion. If you are new to the church, please know you are welcome at Christ’s table; you are welcome to share the Body and Blood of Jesus or to receive a blessing. No one is obligated to come forward. Music from our choir will help our celebrations! Storytime is available during the sermon for children ages 3-8.
Easter Day, 9:15am Wee Worship
Wee Worship is a toddler centered worship experience. Our musician will sing songs that are easy for children to join. Movement throughout the Great Hall is welcome. Kids are invited to simply be kids! On Easter the service will include storytime and Baptism. Then families will share in Communion or the Lord’s Supper. The altar in Wee Worship is appropriately child-sized, making this a service that is accessible to our youngest in every way!